
We're so happy you are interested in exploring the amazing benefits that Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) have to offer.
No matter where you are in your fertility journey, FABMs can help you take charge of your health by learning the simple signs of your body’s amazing, natural cycle.
If you're new to FABMs, you'll see that there are four methods offered, all with different benefits depending on your lifestyle and how much information you desire.
​Why Learn to Chart?
The answer depends on where you are on your fertility journey.
Once women recognize the key signs of their fertility, they begin to grasp how their bodies communicate with them. With this knowledge, women can develop routines in sync with their cycles to be more vibrant, creative, productive, and confident.
There is not a cookie-cutter, “one size fits all” when it comes to learning your body. So the classes will recognize your individuality, who you are, and why you choose to learn your body. When trying to achieve a pregnancy, women discover the optimal times to have intercourse. In order to postpone pregnancy, women simply don’t have intercourse on fertile days.
There are significant changes when a woman is postpartum and breastfeeding. Most likely, she is not trying to achieve a new pregnancy immediately and it’s important to be able to identify the new signs her body will have. To avoid any frustration and fear that women may feel, it is important to be proactive and know what to anticipate when the time comes.
The biggest step is learning how to recognize the natural signs of fertility that your body is communicating to you. By taking a class, you will learn how to chart those signs and with the help of a certified instructor, you can interpret what is going on. If there is a need for a medical professional and additional testing, the instructor will direct you.
Peri-menopause can be a very difficult and challenging time in a women’s reproductive life. Fertility Awareness can help the women to navigate confidently through the frustration and challenges.

modern methods
Modern Fertility Care supports a variety of natural Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) through courses taught by our certified instructors.
A trained FEMM instructor teaches women, through 'in person' or online classes, how to monitor hormonal and other signs of healthy fertility in their monthly cycles. FEMM trained medical consultants use a woman’s cycle information, provided via the FEMM app to treat hormonal imbalances, infertility, PCOS, endometriosis and PMS. FEMM also offers a teen program on how to chart cycles and recognize potential health issues.

An instructor trained in The Billings Ovulation Method® teaches women, through in person or online classes, how to recognize her body’s natural sign of fertility - cervical mucus, through sensation and observation. There are four simple rules that are applied within the woman’s cycle based on the intent to achieve or postpone pregnancy. The initial session instructs women how to chart and follow up sessions review charts and address individual concerns and goals.

In an introductory session, a Creighton FertilityCare instructor covers basic anatomy, research, effectiveness, charting and an introduction to NaPro Technology that can help women with a wide range of reproductive issues including PMS, PCOS, hormone dysfunction, infertility, repeated miscarriage and more. The remainder of the course is eight private follow up sessions that occur at specific intervals in the cycle and important for successful use of the system.

The Marquette Model is a Hormonal Fertility Monitoring method, taught by a medical professional, that uses a combination of ovulation test strips and an electronic fertility monitor, such as the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor, in addition to observing cervical mucus.

ask a question or receive private instruction from one of our instructors

Emily Lohr, PharmD
Marquette Method Instructor
FEMM-Medical Management Trained
"Instead of viewing the menstrual cycle as just something to "deal with," women can learn how to tune into their own bodies and view the menstrual cycle as a sign of health. I am inspired to share this foundational health information with others, and the most common phrase I hear is, "Why didn't anyone tell me this before?" Fertility awareness education is an essential component of comprehensive women’s healthcare."

Kirsten Lin, MD
Family Medicine, Marquette Medical Consultant
FEMM- Medical Management trained
"Introducing women to charting their cycles on the FEMM app has been a game changer in my practice. I love empowering women with a new understanding of their bodies so they are able to make decisions in order to achieve their goals. Additionally, looking at their app charts, shows me what is going on with their cycles if they are having any issues."

Aubrey Miller, PA
The Billings Ovulation Method® Certified Instructor
FEMM- Medical Management trained
“I have been working as a Physician Assistant in Family Medicine since 2017 and look forward to assisting women and couples in understanding fertility.”

Hannah Basinger
Certified FEMM Instructor
"Seeing women come alive through the discovery of their cycles has been a dream come true. I fully believe that women at all stages and ages of life will benefit from charting their cycles and identifying hormonal functions. I am particularly passionate about walking with women on this journey of discovering reproductive health as part of whole person health! Join me for a class to learn more about ovulation as your fifth vital sign of overall health!"

Fr. Jim Holland
"I wish more women were taught to chart their cycles at an early age. I counsel too many couples with infertility issues that could have been avoided if more physicians were trained in effective treatment for various cycle issues. The majority of challenges I see are related to a short luteal phase."

Susan Loughnane
Certified Fertility Care Practitioner
“My passion in working in the FertilityCare field comes from my own personal experience of having hormone dysfunction (severe PMS) and receiving the proper treatment through NaProTECHNOLOGY®. I was so inspired, that I went through the training program to become a Practitioner for the Creighton FertilityCare™ System and now help women/couples find solutions for their reproductive concerns. Teaching women/couples how to chart the woman’s menstrual cycle and seeing their knowledge turn into power when making decisions is an awesome experience. Finding a medical model of charting that could be used as a tool in my own health maintenance was revolutionary!”

Ashley Dillon
The Billings Ovulation Method® Certified Instructor
“My husband and I have experienced fertility issues. As we navigate this journey together, I have become very passionate in helping women and couples to become empowered with the knowledge, that their fertility is a vital sign to their health and whole well-being! Early education is needed to help detect any cycle abnormalities and this knowledge empowers them to be proactive sooner than later.”

Lauren Herzing
FEMM Instructor in practicum
"As a runner, skier, and hiker- I have always had a passion for health, wellness, and all things natural and organic. After years of struggles with skin, digestive issues, mood, and hormonal imbalances- I began to notice the connection between my cycle and overall health. I have used FEMM to find rhythms with exercise and nutrition that work best for my body and my fertility aims without chemicals or prescriptions. I am passionate about teaching women to have better body literacy by learning to read biomarkers to achieve all their health and fertility goals."

Brigid Tebaldi
The Billings Ovulation Method® Certified Instructor
“I am passionate about showing women (and men) the power and beauty of the human body, how this method can empower them to understand their fertility and help identify any underlying issues.”

Jen Stickle
The Billings Ovulation Method® Instructor in practicum
“I am so excited to teach women, couples and teen girls how to listen to what their bodies are telling them and helping them take ownership of their fertility!”

Jess Mitrick
The Billings Ovulation Method® Instructor in practicum
"After being introduced to fertility awareness at the Joy Filled Marriage weekend with Renew the ‘I do’, I was excited to learn how to practice it in my marriage! I am now married with 2 beautiful children and feel called to teach women about their fertility."

Marta Le Grand
The Billings Ovulation Method® Certified Instructor
“It is dignifying that every girl and every woman be taught the beautiful inner workings of her body so that she is empowered to live life to her fullest. This is why I teach.”

Dave & Maria Phelps
Couple to Couple League Instructors and FEMM trained
"Practicing, teaching, and studying modern fertility awareness continues to deepen my understanding of my body, strengthen my marriage, and ignite my passion to share it with everyone. It is truly incredible to see the science of women’s health growing and expanding so rapidly. Empowered by the knowledge of Modern Fertility Care, women become informed advocates, not only for their own physical health, but also their spiritual, emotional, and psychological health."

download an app
An app can be a great tool to support you in your fertility journey. Here are two options we recommend.